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Eilean Buidhe Expedition - 1st to 4th November 2024 - UPDATE

A team from the Paisley Amateur Radio Club will be taking part in an expedition to the Scottish Atlantic coast island of Eilean Buidhe. The location is one of Scotland’s smallest inhabited islands, 14 miles due south from the west coast town of Oban.

The five member crew will operate a multi-station setup across 80 to 10 metres, primarily HF voice, but also FT8 and CW. The team is (left to right) Julian GM7MTK, Brian MM1HMZ, Gavin (Buzz) MM7GMS, Eric GM5RDX and Chris 2M0NZB.

Julian, Buzz and Eric working purely on HF SSB voice and Chris will operate the FT8 data station. Brian will be keying on CW (slow Morse, he’s a little rusty), and may also operate voice.

The boys will be operating with the Scottish club callsign GS0PYM (they will be happy to work any contacts with their own callsign too if asked). They plan to have transmissions running 24 hours a day across the whole weekend.

The transceivers will be a pair of ICOM 7300s and also two Yaesu FT991s. The antennas will be mix of dipole, vertical and Cobweb. The plan is to have at least two stations active at any given time, with the possibility of up to four stations running.

During the weekend, the lads will also be taking part in some interesting special activities.

On Friday 1st November, Brian MM1HMZ is planning to do a Bunkers on the Air activation from the nearby ex-Royal Observer Corps posts B/GM-0050 Arduaine and B/GM-0048 the island of Seil.

Chris 2M0NZB and Buzz MM7GMS will attempt a SOTA operation during Saturday 2nd November, weather permitting. The summit targeted is GM/SS-247 Cruach nam Fearna. It's only worth one point, but if there are people keen to work it, the boys are happy to make the effort. This will be using an ICOM 705 and a Sotabeams Band-hopper dipole.

On the Sunday evening, 3rd November, Julian GM7MTK will be on MATRON (Military and Tactical Radio Operators Net) on 3680 kHz USB using his Tadiran PRC-2200 - some details of this radio are on his own QRZ page. The net starts at local (UK) sunset, around 16:30z UTC.

CQ Zone - 14

ITU Zone - 27

IOTA - EU005

Grid Square - IO76ff

Worked All Britain Square - NM70

56° 12’ 51” N 5° 33’ 13” W

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